Today was an epiphany day....a day of art imitating life. I had more fun today than I have in a long time. Oddly enough, one of my biggest fears was established....yet, quickly put to rest.
the saga continues...
Today: My Hubby owns a company. It is a successful company. It now needs the aid of something I can do. Finally, I can contribute to the better good of what we are attempting to create. I was invited, by said President, to be the representative for a rather large meeting to discuss marketing and advertising. I LOVED it. Did not realize how much I missed the brainstorming....the formulating of ideas from various vantage points...the request of my opinion. FYI: in my basement studio, the only person that asks me anything is Daisy (the most adorable Boston Terrier ever) and she only requests to go visit the backyard for a few minutes about three times a day. This meeting dusted off a portion of my brain that evidently had lay dormant for quite some time. I could literally feel a tingling sensation soaring through my body.
Life Imitating Art: The above piece of art was something I did about a month ago. I loved the picture of the couple and quote...and quickly thought they equally looked independent, yet together a part of a greater whole. At the time, I was thinking "happy marriage". Now, upon working through today...I think this photo was a bit of a reflection of myself and my Hubby. Together we are working on small opportunities to create larger enterprises. Art imitating life. Hmmm.
Fun: Every day should be fun. Making the creative juice surge through your body IS fun. After today...I have redefined what makes that possible.
Biggest Fear: Upon quitting my full time job and becoming a stay-at-home Mom, I would lose the "business"... side of my brain. The fear of not having a deadline....dependency on a paycheck...responsibilities of pleasing my boss....and gratification of completing a task for someone else would begin to slowly diminish and create a vast island of cerebral mish-mash that would have no value to anyone.
Upside to Biggest Fear: Being a stay-at-home Mom only made my brain work in a totally new way. Deadlines that are totally different, but clearly a part of my life...dependency on Hubby....finding pleasure in being with myself...creating artful projects...and massive gratification that my only child was not being raised at the hands of someone else.
Can you believe all this came from a simple old photo and a terrific meeting? Let's put this all to rest....