Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quest: 2

"The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning.
Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man
to unfold his powers."
-Erich Fromm

The lovely box of "Brazil Nuts" was filled with...

...letter tiles!  The quest for letters...check.


Suz said...

Fantastic. One can never have enough letters. I love the box, as well. I gave away my last set in a swap in a moment of "kindness." I am regretting it!


Anonymous said...

Wow what a lucky duck you are!:) Letters, a cool box and yellow duck clothes pins! I'm so looking forward to how you use these delightful things in your artwork!
Have a great day!

Kay in Kansas

scrapwordsmom said...

You lucky girl. I would be jumping up and down with excitement!