My opinion of needlepoint from birth to August 6th, 2011, 2:37pm:
I thought this was an old, tired, somewhat dated, yet beautiful art form that I would like to try someday; but until I saw an interesting, achievable, small project that I might possibly finish (not known for completing long term projects) will not do. Attempting to create a seat cover, bell ringer, or massive fireplace embellishment with dark, floral, Victorian colors was not going to happen. I felt everything seen in regard to needlepoint was boring.
My opinion of needlepoint as of August 6th, 2011, 2:38 pm:
I'm a dumb...dumb! My best-est friend mentioned several times I needed to visit
The Needle Nest in Columbia, TN. She felt I would love it! Who knows me best? My best-est friend. While participating in a art show in Columbia, she took me over to the quaint little store,
The Needle Nest.
Walked in the door and was visually brought to a "mouth gaping" moment filled with glee. All the walls were displayed with hip...fresh...appealing needlepoint graphics and kits that were screaming, "make me, Alexa!"
One room had a wall of thread (wish I had taken a picture, my error) that made me tingle. Beautiful colors, textures and examples of outstanding, vibrant and "kick-butt" finished work filled the store. I literally wanted to sit down and start a needlepoint project that fleeting moment.
It took approximately an hour for me to figure out which of the many projects I wanted to pursue. I knew a simple and small project would be my friend. Keep in mind I DO NOT KNOW HOW to needlepoint. The array of projects was fantastic! I had no idea needlepoint could be so cool. Some of the options of patterns included belts, eye glass cases, jewelry, ornaments, book covers...and what immediately tempted my fancy was the ever so small, yet usable... and a project that might actually get completed....luggage tag. My best-est helped me select thread and my first needlepoint kit purchase was made. Yippee....skippee!

The cute little chick minding the store was terrific (I apologize for not remembering your name, you were great). She clearly enjoyed her job and had no problem explaining and demonstrating a few simple needlepoint "tricks of the trade" to me, the novice. She gathered up my needed supplies once the project was selected, gave me a "cheat sheet" for beginners and I felt like needlepoint creativity was going to commense.
Went home and began my foray into needlepoint!
This is the finished project! I was so proud. This may be my first time to ever complete a "kit" type creative endeavor. Face it, I only made half of a pot holder with my loom kit given to me by Santa Claus when I was 8. Completing something is HUGE!
Disclaimer: Do not look closely Beth Gilbert, needlepoint extraordinaire. I now see the importance of your stitching going in the same direction. I was a bit schizo...but, I enjoyed and loved the process any- who!
Note To Self:
The crafting/creative world does evolve. Do not assume you will not want to participate. Seek out fresh new venues for those who "get" the art form. Just....Do It!