Thursday, January 17, 2008


If you happened to read yesterday's contribution to the necessary human arrangement of jammies and spoons that will encourage the flakes up in the sky to alter all school schedules...I unfortunately have to report that our ying and yang must have been skewed. For the snow stopped roughly 17 flakes after I snapped the wagon photo last night. Several schools in our area did close..but unfortunately, my household was in deep mourning. My daughter anxiously watched 72 minutes of local and national news waiting to see and hear her school name chirped by the snowbird...only to learn that the use of a snow day was not going to happen. After much lip service addressed to the television and me, she gave up and put on the school uniform.

We elected to build a mound of snow pellets (i.e. mini-marshmallows) in our hot cocoa in honor of the occasion. Notice the delightful stir stick that has a mini whistle on the end. This is one of my favorite trinkets. I have somehow managed to amass a collection of about 30 of these musical toddy tools. All purchased at a yard sale for less than .50 per bundle of 4 or 5.

I don't know who thought of this outstanding device, but a whistle on the end of a drink stirrer can only be to the drinker's advantage. No more getting up to replenish your more stumbling to replenish your more wondering who is supposed to replenish your drink....just blow on this teeny tiny whistle and there is no doubt someone will come running to shut you up. This piercing tone will quickly bring a most anyone else willing to shut down the sound that highly resembles the feedback from a piccolo. As annoying as they are to hear...they are equally enjoyable to see. Once again, quantity is the key! Fun colors...and I have a sneaky hunch if they just could talk, they could tell a tale of equal gratification!


Anonymous said...

Adorable post! I feel sorry for your daugther that the snow did'nt shut down her school ;-) Great idea with the whistels ...if only I could learn my dogs to fetch me a drink!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the daily read and nice comments. It is always great to hear from fellow bloggers! Snow possible on Saturday...need to wash my spoons.

Anita said...

I just bought a few of these this summer. Thought they were so neat! I had never seen them before. Quite a collection you have!