Thursday, February 5, 2009


"The occasion is piled high with difficulty,
and we must rise high with the occasion."
-Abraham Lincoln
Today is a day of piles. The demand of needs/things to greater than the supply of time/ hours to do it. It never ceases to amaze me how nothing can be on your plate to do...and within 24 hours, you need a serving cart to push all the tasks that should be done. I attended four different meetings today to determine what job I should be doing in the next thirty days. What intended to be a spaced out bit of work, has now become a concentrated mound of duties. Not at all how I planned things to be. I now must re-organize just about everything for the next month...and hope nothing jumps up and grabs some time unaccounted for....eeeeeek! This rambling of thoughts is to relieve all those who may read. Yes, we all are victims of "best laid plans". But...on a lighter note, many of us are on the same page. Over doers....over volunteerers...over planners....and over done. This too shall pass over......


Unknown said...

I, too am in the middle of trying to organise my life. My life however is one room, one very full to the brim, chaotic, messy but organised room! My work room!!!
I started on Monday, I was so tired of spending time looking for things that I knew I had but just couldnt find. So, as I said, I started on Monday, it is friday now and I am still no where near finished. But I will get there...Oh yes I will.
Hope your month runs smoothly.

Whitney Johnson said...

So true! For November and December I let my "public" crafty activities take the backseat because of the many other things and people tugging at my time. Then, somehow it was February, and I hadn't blogged or obsessed about my art and craft since before the holidays. I re-discovered my children!! Now I'm taking things much more slowly, and I'm making my own flow instead of taking a wild ride on everyone else's. Wow - it's so stressful to be caught in that balancing act! I learned a lot last year...

{oc cottage} said...

Did you read my mind??????????

M ^..^