Tuesday, April 28, 2009


After a week of waaay too many things to do....I am beginning to slow down. Just one more art deadline by Friday....and whew, we can all breathe in my house. To say the past ten days have been "spirited" is an understatement. Which was the inspiration for the above. What is the first 'thing' you think of when presented the word: spirited? My first thought for some reason is associated with a horse. I feel certain some children's book in my past described some saddle bred equine as 'spirited'. When defined, the word that surfaces is 'liveliness', which certainly parallels my week without question. Someone once told me, "the people who do more things...get more things done". I'm not sure this is always true, although, at times it sure seems so. Trying to meet all the needs of your household and personal responsibilities can often seem like a race....trying to make it one more lap around the track...and trying to beat everybody else to the finish. The ultimate race is deciding how to do it all...putting it in the right order....pleasing all those involved....and feeling like you did it well. Whew...I'm getting all "spirited" again! It's high time the horse went out to pasture for a little while.


The Chateau of Remnants said...

Hello.. I am having a giveaway! Hope stop bye and Join {please}


The Chateau of Remnants said...

Hello.. I am having a giveaway! Hope stop bye and Join {please}
