Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thought Number Two!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
A Few Days of Thoughts!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dresses and Hangers

Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Easter Lily
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Bounty!

The family laughed, created weird little explanations, bonded, met equally curious people, and received monetary reward...all in all, the odd choice of rental rewarded the largest bounty.
We Are Cups!

I recently was the recipient of someone spilling their beauty of sharing! Kim of featured my blog! If you are not a regular reader...I highly suggest you put this address in your favorites. Each entry highlights an artist and what they create. This is a terrific source to find and learn of the many creative people available by just a click of the computer. I'm not quite sure how the selection process is done...but, I am quite honored to have been selected. The kind words and positive feedback from her many readers have been astounding. Thank you Kim....from the bottom of my cup!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Colorless, Yet Colorful!

Friday, March 14, 2008
A Virtuous Moment!

But in the interim, I immediately went home to look up the word and properly define its meaning and had an epiphany. Virtue surrounds us constantly. Finding virtue in everyday occasions, actions and events is easy. We must re-arrange our minds to find it and nurture it. Our busy lifestyles and the multi-tasking mantra we all live by, only puts a spotlight on the things that disrupt the process. So, it is up to us to alter the significance of the negative speed bump.
This entry into the blog is obviously the need for a vacation....waaaay too deep. With that knowledge...blogging may be erratic for a while...going to get some R & R with the family. Just don't forget to enjoy the speed bumps, it might give you the opportunity to absorb a virtuous moment!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
It's A Revealing Day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's An Art Day!

My husband will look at something I do, and make a quick assessment in under 30 seconds...totally missing the point of what I'm trying to accomplish. (In his defense, this assessment generally occurs when he is watching a ballgame of some sort, so said, "assessment" must be made during a commercial or time-out.)
But, should proper mulling, finger on chin thinking, and observing take place, my hope is to create "a-ha" type blips in the brain. Upon looking at something I is not so much the the cool stuff used to
create it. I am a purest and only use the real photocopying...
no new look alike stuff...only the re-used and re-purposed stuff that was once something else. Hopefully, it's goodies that remind you of some pleasant time in your life.

So, to you, my most respected critics...I ask you to look deep into the work and tell me what the birds are made of?...tell me what were the wings at some point in life? Look deep and tell me what you see.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I Can See Clearly Now!

It is always interesting to discover what happens when you pen your thoughts. Things you never knew about yourself have a moment of clarity. I never dreamed I would be writing a artistic type blog, books, articles and various other freelance work....and I feel certain Mrs. Rucker, my 7th grade English teacher, would have questioned this literary goal indeed. Yet, it is clearly something I want to do.
Titles are merely words...but to know it is you, and what you want to do, makes everything else so clear. Can you see clearly?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Color of Enthusiasm!

As a one woman operation...solitude is often my environment. I work alone...(not always a good thing). The whole mentality of "two heads are better than one", can certainly be beneficial. These particular two women are the essence of this philosophy. Each has their dominant strengths...and each almost needing the other to be one. It was quite wonderful to observe. The blogging community has certainly opened the world for like-minded people to convene and communicate, but, there is nothing like two brains chatting over a meal about their passions and hope for the future. To define it in everyday words...this enthusiasm was vibrant, fresh and quite vivid. It was creative juices flowing from every pore. It was no doubt the color of enthusiasm.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Madness Is My Methodology

All of this pinging around while creatively working is often frustrating for me to say the least. Multiple projects are in mid-process of completion and ideas binging out of my brain at a very high rate of speed make order in my environment virtually impossible. I have no restraint to stop and complete a series of things...just keep everything going all at the same time. Should someone not of the creative mind enter into my tiny little world...there is no doubt 'madness' might describe the first impression. This process completely defies all reasoning behind the idea of methodology.
Unless, this is my methodology...what if this chaotic, deranged style of assembly and creativity is the order in which I function best? It certainly would confirm the thought that opposites attract, for my husband is a orderly...put everything in piles...all things must have order...mystified by the mess...type of guy. Maybe my madness is my methodology...hmmm.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Freak Of Nature

maximalist - noun. someone who enjoys clutter; seeks to collect every possible catagory; never is one enough, a collection of three or more is always better; there is no surface in their living area that some doo-dad has not found a home; concentrated stuff is preferred;
ex. "Since she was a maximalist, she had 42 different collections."
Even though maximalist is a descriptive title in which I'm worthy,...the above simpleton picture somehow came from me, and I actually liked it. My "M.O." (modus operandi...or way I do stuff) always screams color, texture, waaaay too much stuff, more is more and then add one; can sometimes be overwhelming. But, in my effort to display these cute little Bakelite button earrings, simplicity somehow stumbled into my lens. I snubbed it immediately and continued to add to the photo. But, upon looking through the images, this no doubt was the best.
Oh no...have I become a minimalist? Did this happen-stance moment alter my whole style of "everything"? Should I fear my "M.O." is changing?
Naaaa. I still have on 4 necklaces, 5 bracelets and approximately 6 vivid colors. This had to be a freak of nature.
"The world is a scene of changes;
to be constant in nature is inconsistent."
Sunday, March 2, 2008

The card is a new math flash card. We coffee painted it...added an adorable 50's-ish playing card, some miscellaneous fabric trim, additional charm garnish and a wonderful quote about Spring.
Hanging out together and seeing her become a creative, smart and contributing young adult is truly the best gift of parenting.