Had a great Valentine's Day!!! Went to visit my Mother. My Mom lives on a farm full of sheds and
crotchety old buildings. Thank goodness the 'treasure hunting' gene is alive and well in my offspring. She was itching to go dig in what we call "the treasure house". This particular building is about one 2 mile an hour windstorm away from complete destruction. Frankly, I didn't even
think she should be in the building...but, my Honey felt it would be OK. Her fearless approach to digging is
insurmountable. Not spider...mouse...yucky excrement...darkness...nor smelly environment will keep her from finding the ultimate treasure.
It was a beautiful day...Saturday...Valentine's Day...and the hunting was filled with sunshine and awesome temperatures.
Rewind for Interjection of Information: My Dad died about 18 months ago in his early 80's. His college career path led him to art. He was one semester away from an art degree when he decided to be a farmer. He piddled with art for a few years...but, it slowly diminished.
Fast Forward to now....
My daughter found in the Treasure House his art kit. How poetic was that? I have never seen it...and it had several pages of practice work using different techniques. What a treasure! As you can see, it was modestly used, and a home for several insects...but, a special gift no less.
An art kit for Valentine's Day....wow. Often you wonder if you are led to find things....