Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sing Your Best!
-Henry Van Dyke
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Fantastic Find!

But, now....10 years later....I felt the need to give the old place a visit with renewed eyes. Yes, it is still all the above...with more rust, dirt, debris and yard sale leftovers...but, my vintage form of likes, saw all this stuff in a whole new light. I thoroughly enjoyed finding goodies buried beneath years of collecting.
One of my favorite finds were these rolls of label tape for men's pants. Currently, I have no idea where they will surface in my future....but, I feel certain that label tape will find a home in my home. Face it, I now have about 100 yards of it.
Label tape....who would of thought that was a fantastic find?
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Workbasket!
The printing process has been color photos below...but, sometimes nothing is better than a black and white image to make us more daring to stretch our own color palettes to create.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Smack in the Bull's Eye!
Some times people get your idiosyncrasies...this one hit smack in the bull's eye! Love it!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Change It!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jars of Joy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's Because Your Seven!
My Dad found this novel. He said the name of it was the strong buying factor. The artwork is not really me...but, I find it interesting...quite Art Deco meets Victorian.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
No Place Like Home...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I had fun was about art...finally! My summer schedule has had me a little scattered, but several hours after swim practice was dedicated to creation. Yippee!
This little cityscape came out of my efforts. See if you can figure out what makes up each building/tower. Little clue: same item...different colors and sizes...and is usually exchanged. Can you figure it out?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Quilt 'til You Wilt!

Quilting is a respected craft in my household. I love quilts and honor the time and talent each one requires. When I see a handmade quilt in a yard heart sinks for the maker...and sings for me! Many of my favorite quilts were the table spread on the ground for someone to lay their stuff on at a yard sale. I can snap a quilt out from under a ten year old, stained Mr. Coffee Maker, fourteen green and milk glass colored single stem vases, ump-teen stacks of books and broken 'Home Interior' plastic frames... and not knock over one item. Quilts can bring out my magician skills in minimal time!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Life's Little Mysteries...

The "Cut Outs" book was a child's notebook for written genius. This particular book had no evidence of any documented history...but, had a few scribbles of a toddler throughout. It was in pretty good condition, with the exception of the mice that obviously found it worthy of a snack at some point. The colors were stunning and created a thrilled image of a child who had initially received it many years ago in my brain.
The "Spiral Scrap Book" was my favorite. Don't you love the landscape on the cover? It reminds me of a paint by number kit. Once again this was once some one's way of preserving all things important. But, had nothing in it. The book was completely empty. I loved the cover and purchased it any way.

The first advertisement was for a car. It sold the reader on how important it was to have transportation and to go places, and do and see things. It was possible for $25 you could have a down payment on your very own car...the key to experiencing life. Hmmmm.

Monday, June 2, 2008
Fruit With Panache!
This particular piece of art certainly begged the question at the end of the day. Obviously, someone...(a unique somewhat pear shaped, flamboyant and charming woman) had crossed my path. This lady was someone only a mother could love....and also me. She had style from the top of her head to the tip of her toes...not necessarily the style one might want to emulate...but, certainly style one would forever etch in their mind.
This lady gently asked me the time of day while I was cruising down the sidewalk. This tiny question opened my eyes to an individual I will forever remember. This odd shaped damsel was a vision. Her architectural style hair adorned with a huge 1980's fluffy scarf was only the tip of the ice burg. She thrust her buxom bosom into all those approximately 5 feet tall or less, and accented her short but shapely legs with a too revealing flouncy skirt. This all was garnished with a round purse, somewhat like a ball, and grey spike heel pumps. She reeked of "vintage 'what not to wear', but I'm going to anyway" flavor. She was polite, had a grateful attitude and stuck out like a soar thumb on the sidewalks of my city. I loved her!

May I have as much panache with confidence in my later years. I created this art to honor her being, and to remind me that I too can be so unique!