"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared."

On the left sidebar of this blog is my version of a "Pay It Forward" type crafting thingy. My objective is to widen my reading audience by thanking those who share my blog with others with a little stash of some great ephemera. I often invite the recipient to share their creative
genius with me...and someone took me up on it. The above pin cushion was made from one of the sheets she received by 'paying it forward'. Tami of
"Aunt Mimi's Creations" married my funky little grocery list of 1941 with a can and authentic '1941' creativity and made a fantastic piece of
functionable art. I just love it! Go check her out.

Now this little piece of luminary art was the brain child of one of a teacher at my daughter's school. This teacher has graciously taken on a "crafting club" once a week! The started out as a skein of string.....wrapped....wrapped...and wrapped around a balloon....dipped in some starch....pop the balloon...add a lighting source...and
voila...a most interesting and unique lamp for her room! I just love it!
Happiness never decreases by being shared....