Today is all about over-sized stuff! This weekend while visiting my Mother, we spent a large portion of Saturday doing my favorite thing....looking for
someones discarded used stuff! One part of the journey to "junking
Nirvana" is stumbling on to odd ball...over-sized things...it makes my day!
The giant "A" was fantastic. I so wanted it....but, it must have weighed about 50 lbs. To actually hang it on the wall I might have to hire someone to build a support system to insure no one experienced a concussion should it fall...or purchase a piece of furniture that could benefit from a 50 lb., 3 foot tall letter doodad...or someone might feel that I suffer from some type of personal monogram neurosis. I pondered....debated....and left it sitting on the ground. I still loved it!

Next came this over-sized cowboy head smoking a cigar...hanging squarely in the middle wall of the "Star Cafe". It is used as an autograph page for the cafe....it had random signatures that I could not read...but, it had this unmistakable silent scream of "
Yee Haw!" I just loved it!

Then this "
taxidermied" peacock stumbled into my path. It was clearly my favorite. Just debate this one moment...
1. what room do you accessorize with a stuffed peacock?
2. do you have an extra $400 to invest in a stuffed peacock?
3. do you find it oddly creepy to see wilting peacock feathers on an otherwise perfect peacock body?
The whole bird was strange...over-sized...yet, perfect in its own freaky way.
Just a little glimpse into Junking Nirvana.....