A while back I was doing my favorite past time....reading blogs. The best blogs can be found by complete accident. Sometimes I have no idea how I landed where I here....lead now....and find awesome resources and creative people. One of those times landed me at The Handmade Gift ...and there was a creative art contest. I have never participated in such a contest, but thought...why not? So...I did. The creation must include a particular poppy stamp by
Nope, I didn't win the contest.
I was asked by the owner of the company, Sara, to become a member of her Design Team!
Yippee Skippee!
These are photos of the art I created with the poppy stamp. Notice the back canvas (former encyclopedia cover) is the stamp too.
Plus my regular array of bingo cards, stuff, ephemera, junk, keys, fabric and a wee bit of embroidery.
But, the news was the invitation to create funky stuff using her vast inventory of fantastic stamps. My first official "designer" creation is coming very soon. But, in the mean time...check out: