Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Jury Is Still Out

I just read a blog about the resurgence of embroidery in art....just recently went in a bookstore and saw that the "how-to" books featuring embroidery have multiplied...and I personally have found myself doing more of it as of late. My "motherhood" role puts me in a waiting position approximately two hours an evening while my daughter participates in some type of practice. This two hour window of time has honed my embroidery skills! The mobility of the craft...the ease of doing it without the aid of electricity....and the broad array of colors and creativity available with the art has certainly made an impact on what I'm doing. Little snippets of hand sewn cloth are showing up everywhere! I did this about ten years ago...and now a decade later the same craft is blazing new artistic trails. My embroidery used to be only on it's showing up on, paper, canvas, photos and book covers. My former embroidery life consisted of following others patterns....this has changed significantly. I start sewing and that is what is created. It's freestyle sewing! Lots of artists incorporate this into their art and it is outstanding! I hope I can figure out how to do the same....the jury is still out.


Anonymous said...

looks like a great start....

Dawn said...

I love your style!
Always inspires me to get the stuff out and create something!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Perfect project for "om the go"! I have been looking at embroidery as well lately. I love "red work" as it shows how an impact of one color can be beautiful. And, it's kind on the budget as well!